Sunday, May 16, 2010

Teh Tarik

Teh tarik, which means milked tea in English, is another tasty and popular drink in Malaysia. It is made of tea mixed with condensed milk. It is named teh tarik because of the traditional way it is made. The 'mamak' or indian chef will pour the mixture to another cup from a distance. This idea is originally practised to cool the drink, if the drink is ordered without ice. However, this process will give the drink an extra taste and will have a bubbly look which many people adore. It is found hot or cold, but beware as the sugar content is quite high and not advisable for those with diabetes. There is a solution though, you can order it with less sugar or 'kurang gula'. It is best enjoyed in the morning with fresh roti canai. It can be priced depending on the size of the cup, normally about RM 0.80 to RM 1.50. It is also available packed in form of instant drink or powdered.

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